Rensi Pipalia

Rensi Pipalia

In the 2019 summer, I worked on a project with the guidance of Professor Vimal Mishra. I worked on a small part of a big Railway Project titled ‘ Risk and uncertainty assessment for critical railway inf rastructure due to climate change impacts. During this project, I got introduced to the platforms like ArcGIS and MATLAB that I learned from scratch. I learned how to deal with a large dataset and produce results to help an organization form policies. Climate change is a burning issue, and the government needs to get an idea of how and to what extent it would impose a risk to railway inf rastructure to save it from future hazards and build it more resilient.

This was the challenge on which Professor Mishra was working. My task includ- ed performing trend analysis of temperature and precipitation at railway stations and projecting them in the future under different Representative Con- centration Pathway (RCP) conditions. It gave an idea of how much the tempera- ture and precipitation are expected to increase/decrease in the future. Also, the f requency of the extreme events was determined to prepare the inf rastructure for sustaining those events and minimize the economical loss. I learned an interesting way of quantifying the future energy demand in terms of cooling degree demand (CDD), the energy required to cool buildings. The plot of historic CDD and projected CDD helps us estimate the amount of energy needed in the future. It was an exciting project that helped me improve my programming skills and learn new concepts. It allowed me to work with the Water and Climate Lab that felt like a family, helping and supporting me whenever I got stuck. It was indeed an enriching experience.