Animesh Rastogi

Animesh Rastogi

I worked with Prof. Jose Andrade at Caltech. There, my goal was to study the mechanical behaviour of a load-bearing free-standing column made up of S-shaped granular particles. I used the Level Set Discrete Element Method (LSDEM), a variant of Discrete Element Method (DEM) that can simulate systems of arbitrarily shaped granular particles in 3D. I had an amazing and enriching time engaging myself in facultyled research at Caltech. Along with learning about how to do simulations, I also acquired insights on how to perform research independently. Besides this, all the group meetings made me realize the importance of communicating one's work in the form of presentations. Moreover, this entire experience familiarised me with the process of performing numerical simulations using C++, all the way from mathematical modeling of a physical phenomenon to its visualization. Travelled to various places including San Francisco, San Diego, Santa Barbara-explored the cuisine and the culture in each city.